
Two distinct related elements: the project and the performance.

The performance aspires to awaken a fierce interest and determination from the 75 participants and from members of our potentially large and diverse audiences to learn more and take action.

The second element, “the project, is a primarily post-performance series of activities that include: a) emotional processing of climate destruction; b) scientific information re: state of and care of the environment; and c) opportunities to take individual and/or collective initiative and action via existing organizations and efforts. Some examples include story exchanges, tree planting, adopting a place, a lake, a species. Primary focus will be on ‘care of the environment, climate destruction, species preservation, building relationships with concerned individuals and organizations.

There will also be a MAINEUSA curriculum for use in classrooms – elementary through high school – in South Portland, Portland and other school districts. There will be similar materials available for organizations – faith-based, community, labor, business, neighborhood – that allow for further education, exploration and activities on behalf of the environment.

Impact & Outreach

  • MAINEUSA will create over 200 full-time & seasonal jobs including 30% w/ immigrant & longtime Mainers, significantly improving our economic wellbeing as a community.
  • MAINEUSA will host over 30 story circles, gathering stories about Maine for possible inclusion in performance. Led by Portland Adult Education students, they will strengthen community relationships and resilience.
  • Maine had 60 million visitors in 2017 (with 9 million in Portland alone), 32% more than in 2016.
  • After a premiere in 2020 or 2021, MAINEUSA will be a multi-year seasonal, summer production.
  • Outreach: local, regional, national, cruise ships which brought 380,000 people to Portland in 2017.